The Case for the Performance Indicator

21 October, 2016 | Presentation

Mark Seymour, Future Facilities
Lance Rütimann, Siemens

The introduction of The Green Grid’s Performance Indicator has sparked wide-ranging discussions globally about what exactly this new multi-metric view will provide. In this webcast, Mark Seymour and Lance Rütimann address a number of the questions raised about the Performance Indicator and explain the business benefits of its visualization and calculation method for continued cooling performance improvement.

As a complement to the highly technical interpretations of the Performance Indicator, this webcast explores the ways the Performance Indicator also serves as a business tool to help both data center owners and operators to:

•Visualize the balance of cooling performance metrics
•Understand target performance ranges determined by facility goals
•Look ahead to avoid problems of stranded capacity or increasing inefficiency
•Predict the impact of proposed changes before implementation
•Link these insights into business considerations

Get real answers about the Performance Indicator and learn how it will help you improve your company’s ability to assess data center energy efficiency while better understanding performance. Watch now!