Liquid Cooling Total Cost of Ownership Calculation Tool
22 March, 2018

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Bill Kosik, PE, Senior Mechanical Engineer, and co-chair of the Total Cost of Ownership Calculator Activity Work Group, will be examining the growing complexities and opportunities of cooling strategies and the importance of the total cost of ownership to evaluate the options to data centre cooling system design.

With the development of technologies such as cloud computing, the Internet of Things and Big Data analytics, computers are becoming more powerful than ever before and require greater amounts of cooling. This is one of the key challenges facing the future of the data centre industry: to optimize computer effectiveness while improving energy efficiency and reduce operating costs. Knowing that facilities are an integral part in overall data center efficiency, especially with the rising rate of data consumption, organisations should embrace liquid cooling as a solution to improve overall efficiency.

However, in order to operate as sustainably as possible and to ensure optimal computer performance, data center managers must have a comprehensive view of the cost of their liquid cooling solutions. The Total Cost of Ownership tool can be used as an effective method to calculate capital expenses and energy costs of different combinations of liquid cooling systems including IT cabinet solutions and direct-cooled computers.

In this roundtable, Bill Kosik will examine:

  • The value of liquid cooling in data centers especially in applications and business models that use high performance and super computers
  • Exploration of TCO as a tool that can help data center owners and operators to analyse inputs against outputs, demonstrating which variables have the most significant impacts to the TCO, and over time help data centers to improve their overall performance
  • The implications that this will have on our ability to create a more sustainable, cost efficient and effective data center industry.

Who should attend this webinar:

  • Decision makers, general managers, people responsible for day to day operations
  • Consulting engineers who want to learn more about liquid cooling in data centers operation management
  • Vendors, resellers, and manufacturers of data centre cooling equipment
  • Any member of the data center community who wants to learn more about liquid cooling and understand how total cost of ownership can be used to evaluate current and future operation

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Bill Kosik, PE, Senior Mechanical Engineer


Bill Kosik is an experienced Professional Engineer and subject matter expert in research, analysis, strategy and planning to reduce energy consumption, water use and indirect greenhouse gas emissions in commercial and institutional facilities, particularly data centers.

Over the course of his career, Bill has held senior technical and leadership roles for high-tech, consulting engineering, and architecture firms, and have led mechanical and electrical engineering teams through a highly diverse portfolio of design and construction projects. Based on his technical experience, He has been asked by numerous magazines and journals to write articles and editorials, and to speak at industry conferences and trade shows.