Enhanced Resource Efficiency: The Green Grid Updates the Data Center Maturity Model

02 July, 2015 | Presentation

Christophe Garnier, Schneider Electric

The Green Grid’s Data Center Maturity Model (DCMM) provides clear goals and direction for improving efficiency across all aspects of legacy, retrofit, and new data centers. Since its initial release, the DCMM has become the industry standard for benchmarking performance and operations to understand data center health.

In this webcast, The Green Grid’s Christophe Garnier takes an in-depth look at the DCMM and its updates, including:

•A brief introduction to the DCMM and The Green Grid’s goals for it
•A sneak preview of the DCMM maintenance updates
•Plans for ongoing updates and development, including an upcoming survey

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can identify the necessary steps to achieve greater energy efficiency and sustainability with the DCMM. Watch now to gain insight into how you can use the DCMM as a tool for planning, self-assessment, and informed decision-making.