TGG's Server Energy Efficiency Database v2.0
TGG's Server Energy Efficiency Database (SEED) is TGG's collection of anonymized data from multiple equipment manufacturers. As new data is received the database will be updated.
USER may create and distribute derivates from the TGG Server Energy Efficiency Database, but may not sublicense, transfer, make public, distribute, or otherwise permit access to the TGG database (or any copy or substantial portion thereof) to any unauthorized third party in any format. Every use of data, including derived works, requires use of either the abbreviated or full footnote on the same page or slide. The full attribution footnote is required once per document/presentation/etc.
Abbreviated attribution footnote: "Based on data from the TGG Server Energy Efficiency Database v02_00."
Full attribution footnote: "Based on data from The Green Grid®'s TGG Server Energy Efficiency Database v02_00 of SPEC SERT® benchmark results.
The SPEC SERT suite is a registered trademark of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation."
Download the SEED from the TGG library.