
The Green Grid invites you to join us in future developments that support the DC industry and its ecosystem, or to submit your questions about the impact of DCs on the drive towards a low carbon economy.

Participate in The Green Grid

Development of technical and advocacy deliverables

Demonstrate corporate social responsibility through technical projects and advocacy outreach.

Member Only Benefits

Early access to draft content and unique opportunities for peer interactions.

Publicly declare commitment to sustainability

Improve operations, mitigate risk, and increase efficiency throughout the data center ecosystem.

Contact Us

Abstract image of water molecules


Help Drive the Evolution of Data Center Efficiency

If your organization is affiliated with the data center industry, you are eligible to join The Green Grid. These days, that includes just about everyone! Our members join forces from around the globe and to represent all sectors of the data center industry. Cost of membership is based on company size. Please contact to join The Green Grid.

  • End Users
  • Policy Makers
  • Technology Providers
  • Facility Architects
  • Utility Companies
  • Academia