Donald Goddard is responsible for Environmental Product Compliance at NetApp, Inc. This includes compliance with RoHS, REACH, and other dangerous or hazardous material regulations related to products. He is also responsible for Energy Efficiency regulatory compliance.
He is currently Green Grid Advisory Council Vice Chairman and serves on several Green Grid and ITI technical or standards committees. He also serves on the SNIA Green Storage Initiative as Co-Chairman of the Green Storage Technical Work Group.
He has a Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering From Arizona State University.
South African born, Lee Smith has been in the IT and data center industry for more than 30 years. He has broad experience, ranging from Data Center Operations and Strategy through to IT and Digital Infrastructure Management. Lee is a subject matter expert in the fields of mission-critical data centers and data center operations. He has expertise in the design, establishment, and operational management of data centers, which he integrates in finding solutions to digital infrastructure industry challenges pertaining to sustainability and efficiency. He is passionate about ESG. Although Lee remains focused on data centers and infrastructure, he also contributes to education and the development of skills within the industry. He is a forever student.
Corporate Environmental Affairs - Manager, Energy, Climate and Global Environmental Management System
IBM Corporation
Ricardo Gonzalez has a BSc degree in Chemical Engineering with a MSc degree in Environmental Planning and Management from the Monterrey Institute of Technology and a MSc in Environmental and Health Management from MIT and Harvard School of Public Health.
As a Senior Engineer and Manager of IBM's Corporate Environmental Affairs Staff, he is responsible for leading IBM’s corporate climate and energy strategy and goal setting: energy conservation, operational CO2 emissions reduction, renewable electricity procurement, and product and data center energy efficiency and for establishing and advocating for IBM's public policy positions on these topics. He drives business unit attainment of IBM energy and climate goals and works with business units to establish, timely update and execute against their energy conservation and efficiency plans in support of these goals. Provides advice and counsel to business units on energy and climate issues (e.g., regulations, compliance strategy, RFPs, client and 3rd party inquiries, marketing materials). He is responsible for the global execution of IBM's Global Environmental and Energy Management Systems, Including maintaining IBM's ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 single global certifications. He is responsible for IBM’s external disclosures and advocacy in these areas.
Ricardo is a member of the Advisory Council for The Green Grid, and a member of the US Technical Advisory Committees to ISO TC 207 (Environmental Management Systems) and TC 301 (Energy Management Systems).
Robert White is a senior regulatory engineer responsible for worldwide energy regulations and standards for Dell’s Enterprise & Client product portfolios. His career at Dell Inc. started over 32 years ago, and he has been engaged in improving the energy efficiency of Dell’s products for over 25 years. His current role includes worldwide monitoring, and engaging standards bodies ensuring implementation of energy-based programs across Dell’s portfolio.
Shahid Sheikh is a Director in Governments, Markets and Trade (GMT) Group at Intel Corporation, and leads Intel’s global product sustainability policy effort. Shahid is responsible for proactively engaging with ecosystem partners and leading Intel and Industry effort to influence global ICT Energy Efficiency Regulations, Standards and Policy, with key government agencies in the US, EU, China, Japan, Korea, Australia, and India. He has taken on leadership roles in driving Industry initiatives on Global alignment of ICT Product Energy Efficiency Programs. He is currently the member the Green Grid (TGG) Executive Leadership Council (ELC), an affiliate of ITIC.
Shahid has held several leadership positions at Intel over the years in the areas of wafer fabrication, supply-chain, technology enabling and most recently in environment and energy policy. He earned a Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Illinois Institute of Technology and holds an Executive MBA from University of New Mexico.
"Joining The Green Grid has allowed us to align our innovations with industry leaders dedicated to reducing the environmental impact of data centers. It also allows us to keep abreast of future regulations that may impact our product development and provides the opportunity to influence future regulatory requirements. Together, we are setting new benchmarks for energy efficiency and sustainability."
Don Goddard, NetApp (ELC Chair)
"The Green Grid stands as a crucial platform for exchanging ideas and strategies that drive the data center sustainability forward. Our commitment to sustainable practices is bolstered through this invaluable consortium. As a member of The Green Grid, we contribute to a collective effort to share knowledge and innovative solutions that are key to a more energy-efficient future."
Ricardo Gonzalez Llera, IBM (ELC Member)
"Being at the forefront for exchanging ideas and strategies, I regard The Green Grid as an essential platform that propels its members towards a greener and more environmentally responsible future. As an active participant of this very important forum, it contributes to supporting our organization’s commitment to sustainable practices."
Lee Smith, Mastercard (ELC Member)
"Being a part of The Green Grid means actively contributing to a sustainable future. The insights and collaborations we gain here are pivotal in driving our mission to create eco-friendly data centers."
Robert White, Dell (ELC Vice Chair)
“The Green Grid is a very well respected consortium, sought after by the policy makers, academia and NGOs worldwide. This credibility earned over many years is a result of TGG’s high quality work related to data center metrics development, well researched white papers and data driven energy efficiency policy advocacy positions.”
Shahid Sheikh, Intel (ELC Member)
"The Green Grid provides an essential platform for exchanging ideas and strategies that propel us towards a greener future. Our commitment to sustainable practices is strengthened through this invaluable consortium."