2012 EMEA Forum – PUE: A Comprehensive Examination of the Metric

2012 EMEA Forum – PUE: A Comprehensive Examination of the Metric

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Product Authors
Roger Tipley, Hewlett-Packard
Via five earlier white papers from The Green Grid, countless public presentations, articles, and global harmonization efforts, Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) has evolved from a simple fraction to a much more detailed description of how to instrument and analyze a data center's operations and infrastructure. The Green Grid released β€œWhite paper #49 - PUE: A Comprehensive Examination of the Metric" as the single reference book for PUE. The Green Grid Vice President, Roger Tipley, was a content contributor to this "book" and he covers both the newly published PUE content, as well as refreshing everyone's memory about some of the older PUE material that may have been forgotten during the course of The Green Grid’s six years and more than 50 white papers.