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WP#56 - Data Center Maturity Model Handbook
With input from related parties around the world, The Green Grid developed the Data Center Maturity Model (DCMM), which provides clear goals and direction for improving energy efficiency and sustainability across all aspects of the data center. The DCMM touches upon a data center’s major components, including power, cooling, servers, storage, and networking. The model is divided into levels that outline current best practices and provide a five-year road map for the industry.
The DCMM provides capability descriptions by data center area so that data center operators can benchmark their current performance. In this manner, operators can determine their data centers’ levels of maturity and identify the ongoing steps and innovations necessary to include in their data center/IT strategy in order to achieve greater energy efficiency and sustainability improvements, both today and into the future.
This model can be used to assess a wide range of data center areas, from facilities to IT. Thus, the objective of this white paper is to explain the DCMM’s assessment items and support the assessment process with appropriate standards. It will be helpful to also download and review The Green Grid’s "White Paper #36 – Data Center Maturity Model" and the Data Center Maturity Model Assessment Tool from The Green Grid’s website.