Product Authors
Jay Dietrich, IBM
Rona Newmark, EMC Corporation
David Reiner, AMD
Herb Tanzer, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Gary Verdun, Dell
Henry Wong, Intel Corporation
This session is a panel discussion of the engagement strategies, work products, and results generated by The Green Grid SERT Analysis, Emerald Analysis, and Network Equipment work groups. The discussion begins with a short presentation detailing the current focus on energy efficiency regulation development for data center equipment in several markets, the need for logical industry positions supported by data, and the importance of The Green Grid engagement with industry advocacy and standards organizations to insure a consistent, sound industry position regarding these activities.
A dialogue will follow to discuss specifics on the three work groups' data analysis efforts and interactions with ENERGY STAR, the Information Technology Industry Council (ITIC), the EU Lot 9 consultants, Digital Europe, China CNIS, USITO, and JEITA, the SPEC Power Committee, and the Storage Networking Industry Association. The discussion will detail the value that this work has brought to The Green Grid members and the regulatory development process and the promotion of The Green Grid as the expert industry organization for these activities.