Key performance indicator. Source: Intel
TGG Glossary
This is a glossary of older terms. While many of the definitions are unchanged, some of the definitions may be out of date and some of the terms may no longer be in use in the Data Center industry. This legacy glossary provides definitions for hundreds of information and communications technology (ICT) and data center terms and acronyms. Arranged alphabetically and searchable, the glossary explains common industry vocabulary.
Kilowatt a typical size of a racked set of servers 5-60 KW. Source: ASHRAE
Kilowatts times hour Source: ASHRAE
Liquid-Cooled Data Center Equipment (non-water). Source: TGG
An appropriate group of written, printed, or graphic information elements concerning a hazardous product, selected as relevant to the target sector(s), that is affixed to, printed on, or attached to the immediate container of a hazardous product, or to the outside packaging of a hazardous product. Source: United Nations GHS
One type of information that has been harmonized for use in a label, e.g., pictogram, signal word. Source: United Nations GHS
Liquid Cooled Data Center Environment. Source: TGG
Liquid Cooling Working Group of the Green Grid. Source: TGG
A substance or mixture which at 50 degrees Celsius has a vapour press of not more than 300 kPa (3 bar), which is not completely gaseous at 20 degrees Celsius or less at a standard pressure of 101.3 kPa. Source: United Nations GHS
A metric unit of capacity, formerly defined as the volume of one kilogram of water under standard conditions, now equal to 1,000 cubic centimeters (about 1.75 pints). Source: Oxford Languages
The amount of electricity supplied by a generating system at any given time. Source: Oxford Languages
Liters per minute. Source: ASHRAE
This was the earliest form of outsourcing which occurred when companies hired AT&T, IBM, and HP. This has evolved and there are a number of managed services providers that let companies manage some, or all, of their data center functions. This is more typically handled by IT and Corporate Real Estate is seldom involved. Source: SOIR
A pipe or chamber branching into several openings, a component of liquid cooling solutions. Source: Oxford Languages
A material's resistance to corrosion, rust or stains when it comes in contact with a chemical, a parameter of evaluation for fluids used to cool data center equipment. Source: Setra
A unit of power equal to one million watts, especially as a measure of the output of a power station. Source: Oxford Languages
A unit of electrical energy which equals one megawatt of power used for one hour. Source: Oxford Languages
A component type of data center class server. Source: Intel
A solid state item which accepts and systematically retains digital input data in such a manner as to facilitate the rapid recovery of the stored information. The item is a component of an electronic computer system. Excludes MAGNETIC DRUM, DATA STORAGE and CORE MEMORY UNIT. For portable solid-state memory, see MEMORY, PORTABLE, SOLID STATE. [ FIIG=A23900;INC=53510 || DLIS || ISO 22745-11 Source: eOTD ECCMA Open Technical Dictionary is an ISO 22745 compliant dictionary managed by ECCMA
the SI unit of length. It is defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the speed of light in vacuum c to be 299 792 458 when expressed in the unit m s-1, where the second is defined in terms of ΔνCs. Source: BIPM
a data center that incorporate all of the essential components you find in a typical data center, but in a scaled down deployment. All components are enclosed within one standard IT rack with plenty of room to house your sensitive IT equipment, servers, and the rack accessories of your choice. Typically, micro data centers support critical loads of no more than 100-150 kilowatts (kW). Components within the rack usually include: • Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) • Rack power distribution unit (rPDU) • Rack cooling unit and climatic controls with integrated heat rejection • Remote monitoring sensors and software Some micro data centers also include backup fan systems, physical security, fire suppression systems, shock absorption, and power conditioning. Optional accessories can often be added to tailor the solution to your unique needs. For example, you may be able to include cable management tools, blanking panels, or airflow management solutions. Source: Vertivxvi
Liquid droplets of a substance or mixture suspended in a gas (usually air). Source: United Nations GHS
A solution composed of two or more substances in which they do not react. Source: United Nations GHS
Mechanical load component per ANSI / ASHRAE Standard 90.4 – 2016 is calculated by the sum of all cooling, fan, pump, and heat rejection annual energy use divided by the data center ITE energy (annualized MLC) or the sum of all cooling, fan, pump, and heat rejection design power divided by the data center ITE design power (design MLC). Source: ANSI
A component type of data center class server. Source: Intel
Metric Tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. Source: United States Environmental Protection Agency
Nitrous oxide, an EPA targeted greenhouse gas. Source: United States Environmental Protection Agency
A metal tag attached to a machine or appliance that contains information such as brand name, serial number, voltage, power ratings under specified conditions, and other manufacturer supplied data. Source: United States Energy Information Administration
An adapter circuit board installed in a computer to provide a physical connection to a network. Also called adapter cards or NIC cards. [ KEY=104862;UNSPSC=43201404;V23.07 || IDEA || ISO 22745-11 COMPLIANCE Source: eOTD ECCMA Open Technical Dictionary is an ISO 22745 compliant dictionary managed by ECCMA
Network device that filters, forwards, and floods frames based on the destination address of each frame. The switch operates at the data link layer of the OSI model. [KEY=104918;UNSPSC=43222612;V23.07 || IDEA || ISO 22745-11 COMPLIANCE Source: eOTD ECCMA Open Technical Dictionary is an ISO 22745 compliant dictionary managed by ECCMA
Non-Governmental Organization. Source: United Nations GHS
National Institutes of Health. Source: ASHRAE
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Source: ASHRAE
Open Compute Project. Source: OCP
Original equipment manufacturer. Source: ASHRAE
Maximum internal fluid pressure recommended for safe, reliable operation. Special consideration for extreme temperature applications, or when in combination with high flow rates. An operating pressure of 0-120 psi (0 to 827.4 kPa) may be considered for water-cooling applications. Source: ASHRAE
Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Source: ASHRAE
The propensity of oils to form sludge and acid products during oxidation, a parameter of evaluation for fluids used to cool data center equipment. Source: ASTM
Printed Circuit Board. Source: GEC
Printed Circuit Board Assembly. Source: OCP