The maximum load during a specified period of time. On a daily basis, peak loads occur at midmorning and in the early evening. Source: United States Energy Information Administration
TGG Glossary
This is a glossary of older terms. While many of the definitions are unchanged, some of the definitions may be out of date and some of the terms may no longer be in use in the Data Center industry. This legacy glossary provides definitions for hundreds of information and communications technology (ICT) and data center terms and acronyms. Arranged alphabetically and searchable, the glossary explains common industry vocabulary.
Numerous perfluorocarbons, an EPA targeted greenhouse chemical. Source: United States Environmental Protection Agency
petaFLOPS. A measure of computer performance equal to 1015 floating point operations per second. Source: ASHRAE
A graphical composition that may include a symbol plus other graphical elements, such as a border, background pattern or colour that is intended to convey specific information. Source: United Nations GHS
A classification type of data center cooling for high heat density liquid cooling of data center equipment. Uses direct liquid cooling through immersion or spray. Source: NVIDIA
A device for controlling electrical power in a data center. Source: Tech Target
The ratio of real power (kilowatt) to apparent power kilovolt-ampere for any given load and time. Source: United States Energy Information Administration
A component type of data center class server. Source: Intel
A stakeholder in the decision to invest, divest, use, source liquid cooled data center environments. Source: United States Department of Energy CoE
The name or number used for hazardous product on a label or in the SDS. It provides a unique means by which the product user can identify the substance or mixture within the particular use setting e.g., transport, consumer, or workplace. Source: United Nations GHS
Pressure per square inch a unit of pressure. Source: ASHRAE
Power Supply Unit. Source: OCP
Power usage effectiveness. A metric used to describe facility efficiency defined simply as the energy entering the facility divided by the energy used by the IT equipment. A facility with equal amounts of overhead and IT energy would have a PUE of 2.0 because only half of the energy is used to power the IT equipment. Overhead can be attributed to many things such as cooling, power conversion, lighting, office equipment not performing the functions of the IT equipment, etc. A partial PUE would an example of a breakdown of the overhead into a specific function such as the cooling partial PUE consisting of all energy associated with the cooling function. Source: ASHRAE
Quad (4-channel) Small form factor Pluggable: a common optical component type for data center servers and other computing and communications equipment. Source: OCP
A component type of data center class server. Source: Intel
Rear door heat exchanger, a classification type of data center cooling for high heat density air cooling. Source: NVIDIA
Registered memory DIMM. Source: ASHRAE
A specialized IT Cabinet rear door with a built-in heat exchanger that uses a radiator where the hottest servers are operating. chills the hot air from the back of the servers and cools it immediately. The chilled door contains fans and a coolant. The coolant absorbs the heat, returning cooler air to the data center. Source: Supermicro
Standard designed to deliver simple and secure management for converged, hybrid IT and the Software Defined Data Center (SDDC). Both human readable and machine capable, Redfish leverages common Internet and web services standards to expose information directly to the modern tool chain. Source: DMTF
The degree to which the result of a measurement, calculation, or specification can be depended on to be accurate. Source: Oxford Languages
Responsible, inclusive, and sustainable world, enabled (through technology). Source: Intel
The potential for adverse consequences where something of value is at stake and where the occurrence and degree of an outcome is uncertain. In the context of the assessment of climate impacts, the term risk is often used to refer to the potential for adverse consequences of a climate-related hazard, or of adaptation or mitigation responses to such a hazard, on lives, livelihoods, health and well-being, ecosystems and species, economic, social, and cultural assets, services (including ecosystem services), and infrastructure. Risk results from the interaction of vulnerability (of the affected system), its exposure over time (to the hazard), as well as the (climate-related) hazard and the likelihood of its occurrence. Source: IPCC
A formatted document containing comprehensive information about a substance or mixture for use in workplace chemical control regulatory frameworks by employers and workers. Target audiences include transporters, emergency responders (including poison centers) and consumers. Typically printed and found in immediate adjacency to the substance or mixture to promote workplace safety. See Appendix XX the Safety Data Sheet format for the United States. Formerly known as Material safety data sheet. Source: United Nations GHS
Synchronous dynamic random-access memory. Source: ASHRAE
Safety Data Sheet. Source: United Nations GHS
United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Source: PwC
The SI unit of time. It is defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the cesium frequency ΔνCs, the unperturbed ground-state hyperfine transition frequency of the cesium 133 atom, to be 9 192 631 770 when expressed in the unit Hz, which is equal to s-1. Source: BIPM
An item specifically designed to function as a node on a computer network and provides service to terminals on the network through managing an expansive shared resource. Includes file server which manages a set of disks and provide storage and archival services to computers on the network that may or may not have their own disks, printer server which provides high quality and/or high-speed printing so that each terminal on the network need not have its own printer, and/or communications server which provides connection to various communication media including other LANs and/or public networks. Excludes: PROCESSOR, FILE SERVER. [ FIIG=A23900;INC=53149 || DLIS || ISO 22745-11 Source: eOTD ECCMA Open Technical Dictionary is an ISO 22745 compliant dictionary managed by ECCMA
Sulfur hexafluoride, an EPA targeted greenhouse gas. Source: Unites States Environmental Protection Agency
Système international d’unités/International System of Units. Source: BIPM
A word used to indicate the relative level of severity of hazard and alert the reader to a potential hazard on the label. The GHS uses "Danger" and "Warning" as signal words. Source: United Nations GHS